Promotes Healthy Mental Awareness Through the Power of Imagery and the Written Word
Be Still My Soul
Part of the Healing Series: Journey 3
When I was 27 years old, I lost my first husband and death challenged me for many years to come. More recently, I lost my father, my mother and my brother, and death began to stalk me again, day and night. To be totally honest, however, death never left me alone. It was always there in the back of my mind. It was just a quieter presence for a while. Be Still My Soul is an introspective analysis of how death sometimes causes us to run from life, and how running away can become a very addictive drug. My thoughts are communicated via poetry and poetic prose illustrated with photographs taken by my husband.
Running faster...running harder...leave it all behind
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Butterflies Pause
Debbie Richard
Author and Founder
Inspirational Books
Butterflies Pause, I said to myself one day. They go really fast and then stop for a moment and fold up their wings. contemplate, I think, and breathe.